Looking back to May of 2008 when we launched our site, Tagsellit.com, we had no idea that we would grab the attention of so many yard sale enthusiasts with our site’s virtual sale concept. I remember as a busy Real Estate Agent working in New York City where I lived, I wondered how city dwellers could possibly have a yard sale without having an actual yard? Most yard sales have years of accumulation from around a home, including furniture, clothing, books, kitchenware, media and more. I thought to myself it should be just as easy to have a successful virtual garage sale as a physical yard sale. And so Tagsellit.com was born by a combination of passion to start and run a business with personal interests in yard sales, we were able to show that no matter how or where a yard sale is hosted, it can be done successfully.
Tagsellit.com combines the best of both worlds, shopping second-hand items online from the comfort of your home to providing listings to thousands of garage sales happening every week across the country. How cool is that you can have a virtual garage sale and have a buyer for your stuff on the other side of the country? No auction, just some friendly haggling on price and getting a bargain you might not find around the corner at your neighbor’s yard sale. It seems like yard sales never get old, there’s always something new.
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