The crime of passing counterfeit bills is nothing new but when criminals decide to do it at garage sales, it’s even more disheartening to the folks having the sale. Recently more stories of this criminal activity have surfaced with people passing bills of 20’s and 50’s that are counterfeit, getting real change and an item and walking off. People who don’t deal with a lot of money or even teens helping to sell items at the family yard sale wouldn’t necessarily be able to spot fake money.
It’s sad for the sellers who experience this, they’re usually having a sale to clear clutter out of their home, maybe they’re relocating or saving money for a child or family vacation and are unsuspecting victims.
Here are some tips to avoid this:
- -Try to tend in small bills at your sale whenever possible
- -Pick up a Counterfeit Marker at your local office supply store or online for just a couple dollars (you can pass it on to your friends for their use)
- -If a bill looks noticeably funny or suspicious, as a friend at the sale to have a second look or compare it to another bill of the same tender (don’t feel bad about rejecting the bill, your buyer will either leave in a rush or thank you for the detection and the mark you left on it with your handy counterfeit pen)
- -If the buyer leaves your sale in a hurry, try to get a glimpse of their vehicle or plate and notify your local police department
Now you know how to take precautions and prevent it at your sale.
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